Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Argumentative Essay Is Facebook Making You Mean - 834 Words

Argument Essay Model Passage: â€Å"Is Facebook Making You Mean?† â€Å"Ummmmm†¦ew?† This statement may not seem like a harmful comment, but think about that mixed with a whole barrage of snide and sarcastic comments swallowing a picture you posted on Facebook from your family vacation. The picture was posted just to share an experience with others—who knew it would also cause such hatred from all those â€Å"friends† on Facebook? In the article â€Å"Is Facebook Making You Mean?,† by Lauren Tarshis one Facebook user named Maya experienced this bullying firsthand. All she tried to do was post a friendly family vacation photo with Mickey Mouse, and she ended up with a line of insults. The article claims that Facebook is a catalyst for communication†¦show more content†¦Unless the writer is very aware of how to create tone in their messages the reader may not catch on to the joke, and a conflict will quickly arise. To prevent bullying and negative interactions, our youth needs to be trained on how to c ommunicate effectively online. The article â€Å"Is Facebook Making You Mean?† states thatShow MoreRelatedIs Facebook Making Us Lonely?1274 Words   |  6 PagesIn an argumentative essay, the author can write about the topic he or she is most interested in to try to persuade people to be on his or her side. Authors can use any of the many written strategies that exist to make his or her essay credible to the audience. Some authors use more than one rhetorical tool in their essays, while others keep their essays simple. It really does not matter how many rhetorical tools an author uses; all that it matters is how the author uses them to accomplish his orRead MoreMobile Phone and People1469 Words   |  6 PagesTERM PAPER The production and sale of cigarettes should be made illegal. People have become overly dependent on technology. 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